What Is Jig Boring Machine?- Types and Working

What is Jig Boring Machine?

The jig borer is a type of machine tool invented at the end of World War I to enable the quick and precise location of hole centers. It was invented independently in Switzerland and the United States.

It resembles a specialized species of milling machine that provides tool and die makers with a higher degree of positioning precision (repeatability) and accuracy than those provided by general machines.

Although capable of light milling, a jig borer is more suited to highly accurate drilling, boring, and reaming, where the quill or headstock does not see the significant side loading that it would with millwork. A result is a machine designed more for location accuracy than heavy material removal.

A typical jig borer has a work table of around 400 x 200 mm, (16 x 8 inch) which can be moved using large handwheels (with micrometer-style readouts and verniers) on particularly carefully made shafts with a strong degree of gearing; this allows positions to be set on the two axes to an accuracy of 0.0001 inches (2.5 microns).

It is generally used to enlarge to a precise size smaller holes drilled with less accurate machinery in approximately the correct place (ie with the small hole strictly within the area to be bored out for the large hole).

Jig borers are limited to working materials that are still soft enough to be bored. Often a jig is hardened; for a jig borer, this requires the material to be bored first and then hardened, which may introduce distortion.

Consequently, the jig grinder was developed as a machine with the precision of the jig borer, but capable of working materials in their hardened state.

What is Jig Boring Machine?


Before the jig borer was developed, hole center location had been accomplished either with layout (either quickly-but-imprecisely or painstakingly-and-precisely) or with drill jigs (themselves made with the painstaking-and-precise layout).

The jig borer was invented to expedite the making of drill jigs, but it helped to eliminate the need for drill jigs entirely by making quick precision directly available for the parts that the jigs would have been created for.

The revolutionary underlying principle was that advances in machine tool control that expedited the making of jigs were fundamentally a way to expedite the cutting process itself, for which the jig was just a means to an end.

Thus, the jig borer’s development helped advance machine tool technology toward later NC and CNC development.

The jig borer was a logical extension of manual machine tool technology that began to incorporate some then-novel concepts that would become routine with NC and CNC control, such as:

  • Coordinate dimensioning (dimensioning of all locations on the part from a single reference point);
  • Working routinely in “tenths” (ten-thousandths of an inch, 0.0001 inch) as a fast, everyday machine capability (whereas it had been the exclusive domain of special, time-consuming, craftsman-dependent manual skills); and
  • Circumventing jigs altogether.

Franklin D. Jones, in his textbook Machine Shop Training Course (5th ed),[4] noted:

“In many cases, a jig borer is a ‘jig eliminator.’ In other words, such a machine may be used instead of a jig either when the quantity of work is not large enough to warrant making a jig or when there is insufficient time for jig making.”

Several innovations in the development of the jig borer were the work of the Moore Special Tool Company.

In particular, the adoption of hardened and accurate leadscrews, formed by grinding, rather than a soft leadscrew with a compensating nut.

The technological advances that led to the jig borer and NC were about to usher in the age of CNC and CAD/CAM, radically changing the way people manufacture many of their goods.

Types of Jig Boring Machine

There are mainly two types of jig boring machines:

  • Vertical milling machine type
  • Planer Type

1. Vertical Milling Machine Type

It relates in construction to a vertical milling machine. The spindle rotates on a vertical column and the horizontal table rests on the bed in front of the column.

The position of the work is mounted on the table. It may be taken by compound moves of the table, perpendicular, and parallel to the column face.

2. Planer Type

It has two vertical columns on the two sides of the table and is fixed on the base. The table has a reciprocating action for adjustment of the work. The spindle is fixed on the cross rail bridging the two vertical columns.

In a planer-type jig borer, two co-ordinate movements for hole location are given. By the longitudinal movement of the table and the cross movement of the spindle along the cross rail.

Applications of Jig boring Machine

Following are the applications of jig boring machine:

  • The jig borer is used for the pilot hole.
  • It is used to make compound and progressive dies.
  • It is also used for drilling holes in jig-bushing.
  • Jig borer is commonly used for jigs, fixtures and dies & bushing hole for grinding & A grinding the hardened parts.
  • Also used in alignment post in stripper or die set


What is a jig boring machine used for?

Jig boring is a highly accurate method of creating precise holes in metal and plastic workpieces. A jig boring machine is extremely precise (the tool can be positioned to micron tolerances) and operations are repeatable (the tool can be placed in the exact same position over and over again).

How accurate is a jig boring machine?

The impressive accuracy and precision of jig boring machines mean they can produce components with very tight tolerances. These tolerances can be as low as 2 µm (0.0001”) in some cases, although they are typically in the range of 5-10 µm (0.0002” – 0.0004”).

What is a boring machine used for?

Boring machine, device for producing smooth and accurate holes in a workpiece by enlarging existing holes with a bore, which may bear a single cutting tip of steel, cemented carbide, or diamond or may be a small grinding wheel.

What is a jig milling machine?

Jig machines are automation milling machines classified as plunger jigs, diaphragm jigs, air-pulsating jigs, and moving jigs, based on their structure. However, out of the four listed types, plunger jigs are no longer in use.

Are jig borers obsolete?

Yep. Jig grinders another story, but jig borers obsolete. Absolutely!

Why is it called a jig borer?

Jig borers or just as the name implies , they were built to bore very accuate holes at very accuate locations.