Modulus of Resilience: Definition and Units

What is Resilience?

Resilience means that the capability of a body to consume energy, when in the elastic limit and they will withstand and come back to their original position from difficult conditions.

Due to resilience property, without having permanent deformation a material can store energy, and as soon as the load is removed and the energy is released and due to this, there is no permanent deformation in the body.

In material for spring action, this property is desired.

What is the modulus of resilience?

The modulus of resilience is the amount of strain energy per unit volume (i.e., strain energy density) that a material can absorb without permanent deformation results. The modulus of resilience is calculated as the area under the stress-strain curve up to the elastic limit.

However, since the elastic limit and the yield point are typically very close, the resilience can be approximated as the area under the stress-strain curve up to the yield point. Since the stress-strain curve is very nearly linear up to the elastic limit, this area is triangular.

By a material per unit volume, the maximum amount of energy that can be absorbed without creating any permanent deformation in the elastic limit is known as modulus of resilience.

The idea of the modulus of resilience is a must for you if you want to be a good structural engineer and actually resiliences means that the capabilities of a body to consume energy when in the elastic limit the body is deformed.

As ‘μ’ it is normally denoted and the limit is the elasticity limit and also some time is donated as Ur. From material to material, the modulus of resilience varies because, for varying materials, the elasticity limit is not constant.

Unit of Modulus of Resilience

Modulus of Resilience (Ur) is measured in a unit of joule per cubic meter (J·m−3) in the SI system, i.e., elastically deformation energy per surface of the test specimen (merely for the gauge-length part).

What is Modulus of Resilience?

Ur = Area underneath the stress–strain (σ–ε) curve up to yield = σ × ε

Ur [=] Pa × % = (N·m−2) ·(unitless)

Ur [=] N·m·m−3

Ur [=] J·m−3

How Does Modulus of Resilience Work?

When calculating a material’s modulus of resilience, experts determine how much strain energy it can store per unit volume under conditions of elastic deformation, usually defined as over the range of stress from zero to the elastic limit (or the yield point).

Modulus of resilience is a useful parameter for figuring out whether a material is suitable for uses where deformation and shock absorption are fundamental.

A material with a high modulus of resilience is more likely to be appropriate for applications requiring deformation and shock absorption, such as the manufacture of automobile bumpers or sports equipment.

What Is the Importance of Modulus of Resilience?

When designing and analyzing structures under various mechanical stresses, the resilience modulus is critical.

Not only does it take into account dynamic loading and impact forces, but also general mechanical behavior.

It aids in evaluating a material’s capacity for energy absorption and deformation resistance under static loading.

Additionally, it aids in the design of structures that can withstand repetitive loading by evaluating resistance to cyclic loading in fatigue scenarios.

It also measures a material’s capacity to absorb energy, preventing excessive deformation or failure in situations involving vibration and dynamic oscillations.

For instance, when designing parts for automotive applications, aerospace components, or high-performance sporting goods, the modulus of resilience must be taken into account.

For these structures to last for a long time and be safe, a material must be highly resilient so that impact forces can be applied without permanent deformation or damage.


What is the resilient modulus?

Resilient Modulus (Mr) is a fundamental material property used to characterize unbound pavement materials. It is a measure of material stiffness and provides a mean to analyze stiffness of materials under different conditions, such as moisture, density and stress level.

What is the difference between modulus of elasticity and resilience?

A material’s resilient modulus is actually an estimate of its modulus of elasticity (E). While the modulus of elasticity is stress divided by strain for a slowly applied load, resilient modulus is stress divided by strain for rapidly applied loads – like those experienced by pavements.

What is the difference between modulus of resilience and modulus of toughness?

Modulus of resilience is the area below the stress-strain curve in the tension test up to the yield point while the modulus of toughness is the total area below the stress-strain curve. Strain energy stored in a specimen when strained within elastic limit is known as Resilience.

What is the modulus of resilience proportional to?

It is proportional to the area under the elastic portion of the stress-strain diagram.

How do you calculate resilient modulus?

How to Calculate Modulus of Resilience.
Step 1: Determine the Strain and Young’s Modulus. Consult a table of bulk elastic properties of common materials, such as the one on the Georgia State University web page.
Step 2: Square The Strain.
Step 3: Divide by Twice the Value of Young’s Modulus.

What does the modulus of resilience represent?

Modulus of resilience is an important characteristic that shows a material’s capacity to store and release energy without permanent deformation. It is a measure of the amount of elastic strain energy that a material can absorb before it yields.